What Are the Potential Side Effects of Enalapril Maleate for Dogs?

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Enalapril Maleate for Dogs?

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Enalapril Maleate is a widely used medication in veterinary medicine, particularly for managing heart disease, high blood pressure, and chronic kidney disease in dogs. While it is generally effective and well-tolerated, it is important to be aware of potential side effects to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being. Here’s a detailed look at the possible side effects of Enalapril Maleate in dogs:

1. Gastrointestinal Issues

Vomiting: Some dogs may experience vomiting as a side effect of Enalapril. This can occur shortly after starting the medication and may subside as your dog’s body adjusts.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea is another gastrointestinal side effect that some dogs may develop. It can lead to dehydration if not managed properly.

Loss of Appetite: A decrease in appetite is possible and may affect your dog’s overall food intake and energy levels.

2. Lethargy

Increased Fatigue: Dogs taking Enalapril may become more lethargic or tired than usual. This is generally mild but should be monitored, as significant changes in activity levels may indicate a need for dosage adjustment or further evaluation.

3. Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Weakness: Enalapril can sometimes cause a drop in blood pressure, leading to weakness or lethargy in some dogs. This may be more noticeable if the medication dose is too high or if the dog is particularly sensitive.

Dizziness or Fainting: Severe hypotension can result in dizziness or fainting. This is a serious concern and should be addressed promptly with your veterinarian.



4. Kidney Function Changes

Altered Kidney Function: Although Enalapril is designed to support kidney function, it can sometimes impact it, particularly in dogs with pre-existing kidney issues. Changes in kidney function can be monitored through regular blood tests.

Increased Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine Levels: Elevated levels of BUN and creatinine may indicate potential kidney issues, which require careful monitoring and possible adjustment of the medication.



5. Electrolyte Imbalances

Potassium Levels: Enalapril can affect potassium levels in the blood, potentially leading to hyperkalemia (high potassium levels). Monitoring electrolyte levels is important to prevent imbalances that could affect your dog’s health.

6. Allergic Reactions


Rashes and Itching: Some dogs may develop allergic reactions to Enalapril, which could manifest as skin rashes, itching, or swelling.

Difficulty Breathing: In rare cases, severe allergic reactions can cause difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis. If your dog shows signs of a serious allergic reaction, such as swelling of the face or throat, seek immediate veterinary attention.

7. Other Rare Effects

Coughing: Some dogs may develop a persistent cough as a result of taking Enalapril, although this is less common.

Changes in Behavior: Unusual changes in behavior or temperament may occur, which should be reported to your veterinarian if they persist.

Managing and Monitoring Side Effects

To manage and monitor potential side effects of Enalapril Maleate:

Regular Vet Check-ups: Schedule regular veterinary appointments to monitor your dog’s response to the medication, including blood tests to check kidney function and electrolyte levels.

Observe for Changes: Keep an eye on any changes in your dog’s behavior, appetite, or physical condition. Report any concerning symptoms to your veterinarian promptly.

Adjust Dosage if Needed: If side effects occur, your veterinarian may adjust the dosage or consider alternative treatments to ensure your dog’s comfort and health.


While Enalapril Maleate is generally safe and effective for managing heart disease, high blood pressure, and chronic kidney disease in dogs, it is important to be aware of potential side effects. Regular monitoring and communication with your veterinarian will help manage any adverse effects and ensure your dog’s treatment plan is optimized for their health and well-being. If you notice any unusual symptoms or side effects, consult your veterinarian for guidance and appropriate action.





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